Monday, February 25, 2008

grown-up children

when i remember
wearing overalls
sitting on the warm cement
watching ants
and butterflies
took all my time
and raindrops
running down my throat
at night
falling asleep
windows a little open
to the smell of earth
and braclets
on my ankles
jingling through wet grass
dandelion chains of innocence.

i sometimes cry
for wasted beauty
and love
for all the ruined fairytales
of this imperfect world
but you are my comfort
shelter from a harsh,
unfeeling world
and i am
someone to protect
fragile and delicate
you try your hardest,
taking all the strength
you have
inspiration in a dark,
dreary night
and I am someone to love.

finding Time together
as grown-up children
to laugh and lay
on a sandy beach
drinking freshly-squeezed lemonade
with watercolors
and poetry books
and drawing books
children play in
the sky-blue horizon
we catch lightning bugs
and know when to set them free
we dig our toes in sand
and rinse them off
remembering innocence and
the candy bar in my pocket.


JenBun said...

This poem is so amazing and beautiful.

I particularly like "the ruined fairytales/ of this imperfect world"; "I am someone to love"; and the last two lines.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Melissa said...

Are you trying to make me cry? Because you totally succeeded. I love the whole thing, but especially the last two lines.

Adamity73 said...

I am speechless. This is hauntingly beautiful. You have so much damned talent. This is unbelievably takes me back to eighth grade and walking up to Sav-On Drugs, where we could get a candy bar for a quarter and a pop for fifty cents. Of lazy summers and playing Wiffle Ball in the park. Of riding bikes and laughing like we didn't have a care in the world...which was the truth.

I love this poem. And you.

And this line: "dandelion chains of innocence." And this one: "finding Time together/ as grown-up children". And this line: "inspiration in a dark,/ dreary night/ and I am someone to love." You are damned right. You most-definitely are, Meegie.


Adamity73 said...

I liked it so much, I printed it out.


Me_Again said...

Thank you. You never truly know how someone will react to your writing bacause we can be our worst critics. I'm glad you love it and thank you for the comments!
Peace & Love.

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